UUUUUUUP UUUUUUUUUP UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUP UUUUUUUP UUUUUUUP UUUUUUUP UUUUUUUP UUUUUUP UUUUUUP UUUUUUP UUUUUUP UUUUUUP UUUUP UUUUP UUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUX GWSIM GWSIM &File &Open &Close &Save Save &as &Edit &Concentrations &Kinetic constants Cl&ear all &Options &Tasks &Units &Data output &Report &Methods &Scan &No scan Regular &Grid &Random Fill &Parameters &Boundaries &Links &Run! &Plot... &Help &Contents F1 &Search &Help on Help &About... ACCTABLE DLGINCLUDE DEFINES.H ED_CONC Metabolite initial concentrations &Help Cancel &More... metabolites concentrations ED_CONST Kinetic constants &Help Cancel &More... TASK_OPT Tasks Simulation D&ynamics &Steady state End &time &Points Output &Report &Data file &Help Cancel Debug &log ED_UNITS Units &Time: C&oncentration: Cancel Flux: DAT_OPT Data Output A&vailable &Output (columns) Titles H&eader Foo&ter &None Sepa&rator Column &width 7777 items Cle&ar &Help Cancel 7777 selected Sca&led &Unscaled WWWWWWWW.WWW &File: &Dynamics &Steady-state Apply to App&end &Quotes REP_OPT Report options St&ructural analysis S&tability analysis &Standard elasticities &Non-scaled elasticities &Standard control coefficients &Non-scaled control coefficients &Help Cancel NUM_OPT Numerical Methods MS Sans Serif Relative &tolerance Absolute to&lerance &Adams max order &BDF max order &flux resolution &Defaults &Help Cancel ED_SCANP Scan Parameters MS Sans Serif &Available &Selected &Help Cancel 99D hypercube 99 available ED_SCANB Scan Boundaries MS Sans Serif &Help Cancel &Parameters: &Lower: &Upper: &Density: ED_LINK Edit Link MS Sans Serif &Parameter: &Linked with: &Help Cancel &Operation LINKS Links MS Sans Serif &Edit &Add new &Delete &Help Cancel ABOUTBOX About GWSIM GEPASI for MS-Windows version 2.0 release 2.01a Simulation front-end (c) Pedro Mendes 1992/93 GEPASI comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the &Help menu for details. ED_PLOT Plot Options MS Sans Serif &Dynamics &Steady state &Lines &Colour Con&tour &Hidden &Help Cancel 1Error registering window class. Program aborting.,Window creation failed. program terminating.LSystem memory is low!. Close some applications to increase available memory.NOut of memory. Cannot execute function. Close other applications and try again^Error in configuration. Cannot execute function. Probably missing .EXE files, reinstall GEPASI,Undefined error. Please report to developer! Syntax error."Error in file I/O: Unable to save."Error in file I/O: Unable to load. Unable to delete item.@Error in topology: You have reached the maximum number of steps.FError in topology: You have reached the maximum number of metabolites. Error in topology: bad title.4Error in topology: no steps or internal metabolites.-Error in topology: number of steps not valid. *Error in topology: undefined kinetic type.3Error in topology: number of metabolites not valid.-Error in topology: bad stoicheiometry matrix.#Error in topology: bad loop matrix.)Error in topology: bad metabolite status.+Error in parameters: invalid concentration..Error in parameters: kinetic constant missing. Edit buffer full. Topology file incomplete.#Error in parameters: invalid units.$Error in parameters: invalid option.,One value has overflowed. Please correct it.7One value is zero or negative. Please make it positive.4File %s has been changed. Would you like to save it?$Disk error: cannot execute function. Kinetic types must have a title. .Reversible kinetic types must have substrates!,Reversible kinetic types must have products!)One value is negative, please correct it.5The user-defined kinetic types database is corrupted.:New user-defined kinetic types were added to the database.8Simulation finished. Do you want to see the report file? GEPASI was installed without a link to GNUPLOT. If you have GNUPLOT in your hard disk, you can link it now. Point to the GNUPLOT executable file in the next dialog box. Could not find GNUPLOT!1No you don't! This function is not yet working... GWSIM GWSIM ED_CONC ED_CONST TASK_OPT ED_UNITS DAT_OPT REP_OPT NUM_OPT ED_SCANP ED_SCANB ED_LINK LINKS ABOUTBOX ED_PLOT ACCTABLE DLGINCLUDE